Live Video Streaming Services has been added for the first time in Microsoft-owned LinkedIn.


With this new service, you can stream live video to 60 million subscribers of social media. For now, the feature is coming to beta version only to US customers.

The video has been brought back to the platform 18 months ago. Still the company took a lot of time to add live video.

The LinkedIn Live feature will focus on video content such as Q & A, Events, Conferences, Earnings, Prize Distribution, Product Announcements.

Microsoft supports LinkedIn Live through Azure Media Services. The software giant USA has given all the encoding techniques important to stream live video streamlessly.

LinkedIn is partnering with Wirecast, Switcher Studio, WAZA Media Systems, Socialite and Brandlive to provide content broadcasters with experienced broadcasting streaming services.

Whenever the feature will be opened for all subscribers, the company did not tell. The company will now accept registration with the contact form.

The Verge report also says that in the live streaming service, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Twich and other organizations will be involved in the fierce competition in LinkedIn.