OPPO has successfully run 'multi-party' video call test using 5G network on the smartphone.
Smartphone maker, the Chinese company, runs this test in Social Media App WeChat.
On Monday, OPPO said that six engineers from the organization's research and development (R & D) division have participated in this video call around the world.
OPPO and 15 Pro-based experiments are run using a 5G smartphone. The engineers made video calls for 17 minutes in the 100 MHz Bandwidth 5G network.
Six engineers join the video call from six other R & D players around the world. The report noted that there was "uninterrupted connectivity and low barrier" during video call.
It is said from the other side that they have used Kitesuit's UX signaling test set and 5G New Radio Network Emulation for the 5G test.
In August this year, for the first time, 5G signaling and data connectivity for smartphones will be available. And in October as the first company to test the 5G Internet on the smartphone.